5000 Yorkshire Surprise Royal (no. 5)

J W Holdsworth (no. 5)
23456          M    W    H
234560987     F/6
643527890      -   I/I   -
(453629078)         2   B/V
243567890      -  s7/sF  s
35426               s    -
435269078          B/V   -
(264359078)    2    -
(645237890)  s7/sF  -
(645237890)      B/V/F/B
234567890      -    s    s
Calls at M,W,H refer to the usual transpositions of bells 2-6.
All other calls refer to the position of the tenor.
58 7890, 48 0987, 130 little bell runs at the back.
28 7890, 34 0987, 86 little bell runs off the front.

Rung at Halifax on 24th June 2012, conducted by James Holdsworth.